
A very simple yet complicated multi-purpose Discord bot that does pretty much nothing but insult you.


Add to server or send a direct message to start using.

permissions and data collection


  • read/send messages, attachments, files, embeds, links
  • use custom emojis and stickers
  • speak, join voice (music)
  • manage webhooks, manage roles (
  • data collection

    legend: not accessed / accessed / collected
  • server: name, id, channels, roles, webhooks, emojis, stickers, invite, audit, events, monetization
  • user: name, id, avatar, banner
  • message: content, files, embeds, links
  • Source Code

    This bot now runs on

    Look how everything works behind the scenes.


    Feature requests, contributions, and improvements are welcome!
    Report issues here: Unofficial Discord Server or reach out GDjkhp


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    Originally developed as an XP Leveling System under the codename “LevelUpLoser”. Runs on Replit free tier, with unstable uptime, utilizing Uptime Robot until January 4, 2024, due to hosting changes.

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    Bot Commands

    Python Computer #1: Beta Branch

    Collection of random and unique stuff I came up with, mostly games and useful tools. This is where I add new features regularly.

    Prefix: -

    AI 🤖

    Games 🎲

    Media 💽

    Utils 🔧

    Under Development

    Note: Facebook Messenger and Telegram ports are coming soon.

    Node.js Computer #2: Music Branch

    Based on Discord-MusicBot v5, an advanced discord music bot.

    Slash commands




    Special Thanks

    This bot is against Discord and Replit Terms of Service and violates the licenses credited above. Proceed with caution!

    Use AI with ethics.
    Execute -legal for legal troubles.

    Bot by GDjkhp
    © The Karakters Kompany, 2024